It’s a beautiful sunny winter day here in the Pacific NW. The Olympic Mountains are visible today, showing off their majestic snowcapped beauty. Despite the sun shining, I awoke to frost on neighboring rooftops, and 31 degrees. I know, it’s nothing compared to what the poor Midwest and East Coast is enduring. My heart goes out to everyone within winter’s icy grip.
When I’m not writing, I gather all my colorful fiber around me, and SPIN. I’ve only been doing it since moving to the country four years ago. Nothing takes the stress away like sitting at my wheel, listening to its gentle whirl and watching the fiber become beautiful yarn. Then, it’s time to knit, crochet or weave.
I joined a wonderful group of woman that gather together several times a month to spin, share stories and learn from one another. We always tease newcomers that if they want to learn to spin, we are happy to be enablers. There is always more fleece, bat or roving to purchase. It’s addictive.
I think that no matter where you live, be it city or the country, and no matter your interests, it is important to become a part of a community of people that are like minded. Where you can share your heart stories and passions, and feel blessed while bringing joy and peace to your heart.